Mimi and the voluntary movement




Discovering the tale

Mimi and the voluntary movement



Mimi explore the brain in a new adventure about the movement and its execution.




The team of CogniJunior

/ CogniJunior

This story was written in the light of the interaction with Jennifer C. holding a disease called “cerebral motor infirmity” and wanting popularize her disease. We decided to give a full explanation of the motor system in a tale and to popularize about the disease on another support.




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Adventures of Mimi :

Fronti, a neuron of the frontal cortex, is surprised that the order of movement that him and his colleagues sent to other neurons isn’t follow by confirmation of execution. He is a bit concerned. In the neighborhood, our friend Mimi the microglia decide to help to find where the movement order is blocked: she is going to follow the message to understand where the problem come from. She bring along with her in the journey another microglia, Boulie, pretty proud to “fear nothing”, but the journey will give hard time to this conception of herself.
From neurons who decide of movement in the brain to moto-neurons who manage the muscle directly, passing by all neurons that play a role in the creation of the action, Mimi is doing a exceptional trip fro mthe brain to the spinal cord. Along the adventure, she understand the importance of confirming order that are executed or not (via what we call “retro action loop” or feedback), and will discover the possibility of bypass in the brain, when a reflex happens.

Scientific knowledge :

 This story needs to be considered at a follow up of the first tale the adventures of Mimi (which present the basis to understand the functioning of the brain) aims to illustrate global notions of anatomis and physiologie o the nervous system related to movement, and to talk about pathology of movement. These pathology tend to induice misunderstanding and prejudices about disable people. We can sometimes think that they are cognitively disable but it’s not obligatory the case. Ths story is born after the proposition of Jennifer, that have cerebral motor infirmity, she contacted us because she wanted to popularize her disease.

For this aim, we present:

  • the different cerebral areas, neurons involved when we decide to do a movement and they different role
  • the moment when they are involved in the chain of action
  • the place where they are in the body (in the brain but also in the spinal cord for other).
  • the diference between involuntary movement, dignified in the brain and sent to concerned muscle, and a movement reflex.
  • the retro action loop and the importance of verifying constantly the nervous message send from top to bottom.
  • Different pathology of movement (for example the erebro motor infirmity), cause and consequences.

Références scientifiques :

Mimi in the land of place cells

Discovering the tale

Mimi in the land of place cells



Mimi explore the function of spatial localisation by visiting neurons that have a very specific work: in the brain, every one have his specialty.



The team of CogniJunior

/ CogniJunior

Our next tale is under construction and will be called Mimi in the land of place cells.

Mimi in the land of place cells

Mimi, out little microglia, immune cell of the brain, will have new adventures. She is surprised that detailed information come from neurons of a brain region, the hippocampus, when we are searching for something. Neurons are always happy to call them for help, they never failed when it’s about situating thing in the environment. Mimi is really curious to know how they are organized to work so efficiently. In comparison, where Mimi is working at the moment, the parietal cortex, where we manage attention to a direction or another, neurons receive information from everywhere and are obliged to eliminate some of them, choosing most important ones but sometime not choosing very wisely.

It’s time to take some holidays and Mimi know exactly where to go: the hippocampus and theses special cells that are called place cells. It’s them that enable us to oriented in space. Mimi arrived at the moment of a “research time”: apparently, we lose something and we have to find it back. The idea is to look everywhere, where we come from. Mimi helps the microglia there in the mean time discovering the functioning very specific and hierarchic of theses neurons : place cells.

There, she met a neuron that don’t see himself as very useful next to his colleagues, but is he right ? As for mimi, she is going to review her knowledge about the brain, did the brain do mistake everywhere sometimes?


Scientific knowledge:

  • inattentional blindness, when we don’t see something because we are not focusing on it
  • the functioning of spatial localisation and cell population involved and well known: place cells and grid cells
  • the hippocampus
  • the discovery of another reality of the brain: do mistakes are necessary?
  • nocturnes activity evocation

Robi the Robot

Cogni’Junior continue to diversify its projects and create story touching to robotic. We are searching for an illustrator to build a graphic environment around the “lab book” of Maya. Of course, all interested person to participate to the redaction cancontact us. Inside this thematic, we will talk about : human and artificial perception, the question of learning and consciousness, the anthropomorphism …
We are waiting for you! =)

a preview

Robi, the robot



Maya like to visit her grand mother, she knows how to bricole… even build robots.



The team CogniJunior

/ CogniJunior

Our next tale is under construction and will be called Robi the robot.

The story of Robi:

Maya see her mother overloaded by responsabilities. With the help of her grand-mother, she build, hiden, a robot : Robi. She wish that this machine help her mother to have more time to rest and spend more time with her.

During the creation of Robi, Maya came up with a lot of questions that never came to her head before: how a robot can perceive its environment? In which way it can understand orders that we give? And most of all, how her family is going to react when she will bring Robi home?

Scientific knowledge:

This story aims to link biological knowledge, artificial intelligence, psychology and phylosophy. Particularly, it enable us to talk about:

  • perception of the environment by robot, animal and humans

  • to compare human brain organised in neural networks and electric information circuit of robot

  • the difference between function of system (for example, seeing) and the physical structure (electronic or biologic components)

  • learning

  • consciousness

  • the place of robot in our society

  • anthropomorphism (the tendency to attribute humans features to entity that are not humans)

Scientific explanation – Tale 2 Mimi and the voluntary movement

Today you can discover the new tale of Cogni’Junior :

Mimi and the voluntary movement

We are proposing you a review of the numeric litterature about scientific knowledge that are presented in the tale:

  • le cerveau à tous les nveaux : This website is a gold mine. We are proposing the link to movement pathway. But the whole website have to be explored ! You can find the trip of Mimi and the voluntary movement step-by-step with the different areas imply in the movement process. It’s a perfect parallel with the tale, if you want an overview summed up.
  • a lecture about basal ganglia, another one about the voluntary movement, another about the motor pathway (in case you still miss some information) If cogntiive science interest you and that you are searching for mooc or lecture to go deeper into scientific knowledge, think about going to look into “slideshare”. A lot of researcher are giving lecture and some of them share their presentation/slides freely online. So it’s up to you to explore the web and personal website of researcher, they will put links to their slides in a section “lecture” next to their publication. If you are interested in what they are studying but you consider scientific article not for you, too long or too specific, this can be a good way to get to know what they are studying with a nice overview on the topic and of course … more picture !
  • Advanced reading: an scientific article about gial cells and their disfunction in the peripheric neural system and another about protection mechanism of the spinal cord. A large litterature exist on the motor pathway, about movement, movement representation, disease link to areas involve in movement production. If reading scientific article do not afraid you, you can search in google scholar or pubmed with keyword link to what you are interested to learn. Begin by metaanalysis and review which can give you an overview of knowledge less focus on details. If you don’t have access to articles that you want to read and don’t want to spend money on article before begin sure that the content is the one that you want to learn, you can contact the first author (or one of the list of author). You will be able to find their emails adress on their personal website or as contact person in the article. If you ask kindly, the researcher can send you the article (may be not the nice layout produced by the journal where the article is published but at least the content of it)
  • If you are interested in learning about Parkinson (think of tking a look at our comics) We voluntarally limited the amount of information about disease in the tale but it exists a large number of them affecting the motor pathway. If you are interested, check out out comics and if you are searching for some popularization about a specific one that is not already treated in Cogni’Junior, contact us, if we can’t provide you with more information … we can may be create some.

A dopaminergic 2015 merry christmas

For 2015 end of year, Cogni’Junior is preparing few surprises and here is the first of them.

We are offering a comic from our series about neurodegenerative disease: Parkinson.

During this moment of family events, perhaps you have a relative that hold this disease. How to explain to children and old children ? We are proposing you a comic that may help you and amuse you.

Wishing you a merry christmas.

Cogni’Junior team


This comic was created for the science week 2015.


Download the comic

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Meeting Sinterklaas: a brain story

It is ‘present night’ in the Netherlands this Saturday night. Sinterklaas will bring presents to the good children. Did you behave well this year? Are you ready to meet him, and is your brain ready for this too? 

this blog post is originally available in the donders wonders blog here

What about you doing science ?

Original article can be found on the donders wonders blog