OCEANA : education materials
Designers, teachers and researchers are coming together to create a multidisciplinary team and to engage in a “neuro-responsible” project: tools and content get scientific validation steps by creators of the program.
1) apprehend
Most children have some concept of the brain, and what it does, but not all of this information is based on scientific evidence. Therefore, the first part of the OCEANA program aims to make children aware of and encourage them to ask questions about their current knowledge of the brain, and then build up to teaching them, real, scientific information about how the brain. This approach to teaching is a cooperative way that enables an active involvement in the task of interest. Children interact with each other and their teachers, and come up with question to share with the class. By doing this, we get children interested, and start training them to think logically and creatively – we’re making them (very) young researchers!
2) understand
Kit content
The teaching kit have 17 sessions of about 1h teaching (minimum). It’s up to you to adapt it to fit your way of teaching. You can make more sessions of shorter length. You can use session in a different order or choose those that matter to you. You can take more time between session to make practice tips longer before switching to another concept.
We offer you a guideline, but you can also see it as a menu.
In the kit we introduce:
- needs of the brain: food, sleep, sport …
After the completion of this program, we aim for children to have experienced a high level of neuroscientific knowledge, and to be better equipped to engage in exercises to apply this newly acquired knowledge.