Fresco presents


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The rise of cognitive science in the modern life and their applications settle this field in the daily life (serious game, neurological reeducation, motor reeducation, prosthesis, artificial intelligence, law about use of phone when driving…). It also indices myths and misunderstandings (gender differences, size of the brain, manipulation of thoughts…). It’s really important to inform on what is really cognitive science and its applictions. After the numeric generation, the new genenration needs to make its new knowledge that influence actual society as its own.


The project, Cogni’Junior, aims to give some basic knowledge about cognitive science via picture books to young people in a very funny and popularized way. It enable students that participate in this project to learn how to popularize their knowledge, to talk to a different public and to collaborate with artists and illustrators.

Ongoing Projects



Discovering the functioning of the brain visually

Discovering tales

Mimi la microglie

Mimi, cellule immunitaire du cerveau, voyage dans celui-ci et découvre son fonctionnement biologique

Robi le robot

Robi le robot est le produit du travail d'une fillette et son grand père pour aider la maman dans ces tâches ménagères. Suivons sa conception.

a volunteer project

Tools in Open Access

Theses scenario are written by students in cognitive science (and close fields), then illustrated under their supervision. They are then uploaded online. Stories enable children to interact directly when we are doing workshop alternating with manual and motor activities. We are presenting ideas of activitiesin the section “tools”.


Licence Creative Commons


The content of the website (texts and images) is available for use under the licence Creative Commons Attribution – no commercial use – share without modification 4.0 International




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